Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accredited Practice

Please click here to see our Armed Forces Veteran Friendly Accredited Practice certificate

Here at Eldene Surgery we are proud to be a Veteran  Friendly healthcare provider

Please let a member of staff know if you, or your spouse/partner, have ever served in the UK armed forces so that we can best support your care needs.

We are armed forces accredited. If you are ex-forces, please let your GP know to help ensure you are getting the best possible care.

Being flagged as a veteran in your NHS medical notes will help ensure you are able to access specific veterans’ health services, such as those for mental health, hearing loss, limb amputation and wheelchairs.

All veterans are entitled to priority access to NHS care (including hospital, primary or community care) for conditions associated with their time in the armed forces (service-related).

But this is always subject to clinical need and doesn’t entitle you to jump the queue ahead of someone with a higher clinical need.

Improving care for veterans across the NHS

We at Eldene Surgery believe in sharing and driving best practice in NHS care for people who serve or have served in the UK armed forces and their families, in line with the Armed Forces Covenant.

What you can expect from us

  • We support the health commitments of the Armed Forces Covenant.
  • We are committed to ensuring no disadvantage and giving special consideration where appropriate.
  • We have educated and trained all relevant staff to identify and respond to veterans’ needs.

What other support is available?

There are many service charities and organisations. The Veterans’ Gateway is a first point of contact for veterans and their families. It provides information, advice and support by phone (0808 802 1212), text (81212) and online at

Here at  Eldene Surgery we will put you in touch with the organisations best placed to help with the information, advice and support – from healthcare and housing to employability, finances and personal relationships.

How could you get involved in the NHS?

The NHS can benefit significantly from the skills and experience you bring from your military training and service.

Find out more about careers for veterans and reservists in the NHS at

Armed Forces Covenant

The NHS is committed to the Armed Forces Covenant, which is a promise by the nation that those who serve or who have served in the UK armed forces, and their families, will be treated fairly. It has two key principles:

  • The armed forces community should not face disadvantage compared to other citizens in the provision of public and commercial services.
  • Special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given most such as the injured and the bereaved.

You and your family should not be at a disadvantage in accessing appropriate health services; for example, if you are on a waiting list and are moving.

The NHS always prioritises people with the most urgent clinical need. At the same time, we must recognise your health and social needs and act on them. We are working to make sure this happens.

To learn more about the Veterans Covenant Healthcare Alliance and what it means, visit: 

We are committed to consistently and continually learning from our patients and their families to improve care for all. If you have any feedback or suggestions please contact us.

For more information on NHS healthcare for veterans, visit the NHS Choices website at and search for ‘veteran’.

We work with a range of extra services for the armed forces community and will let you know of and refer you to any that could benefit you, including:

  • Royal British Legion, SSAFA, Combat Stress, Help for Heroes contacts
  • Defence Medical Welfare Service officers who will assist the patient in identifying services provided by service charities and other organisations
  • NHS Veterans’ Mental Health Transition, Intervention and Liaison 0300 365 0300 South West of England.

Date published: 1st November, 2021
Date last updated: 1st November, 2021